2016 Resolutions

BY Jen

Happy (slightly belated) New year! I am finally getting back to blogging again, it has been awhile. I usually don’t like New Year’s resolutions – because they are often empty promises that you stick to until the middle of January and then forget about – but I decided that I am going to make a few easily attainable resolutions this year. Small changes that I think will lead to happier and healthier 2016. Here they are…

2016 Resolutions | A Sip of Bliss

1. Drink More Water – I am often not good at staying hydrated. I don’t really drink soda or juice, so if I am drinking something during the day it is usually water (or tea/coffee) but sometimes I just forget about it. When I am good at drinking water I definitely see a difference in my health. I feel more energized, I get less headaches and even my skin looks better! And I know there are more benefits I can’t see as well. So I am going to try my hardest to be aware of how much water I am drinking and stay hydrated as well as I can.

2. Take Walks – Confession…exercise and I aren’t good friends. If you ask me where the closest gym is, I will just stare at you blankly, and I only run if something is chasing me…but, if the exercise is disguised as something else (hiking, kayaking, dancing, etc.) then I have no problem with it. I know I should be getting in more exercise fun activities so I am going to try to walk more. I got a fitness tracker and am trying to increase the steps I take each day. Just don’t tell me it is exercise ; )

3. Blog More Often – I haven’t been very consistent with posts since I started this blog in October, but I really enjoy blogging and I am going to do it more often. I have so many projects that I want to do that I would love to share. I promise I will!

4. Read the Classics – A few years ago, my New Year’s resolution was to read fifteen books in the year. I have always loved reading, but I got in a rut where I would reach for the tv remote instead of a book and I had to change that. I reached that goal and have been reading at least fifteen books a year since then. I am adding to that this year by reading (or rereading) more of the classics. I just finished rereading To Kill a Mockingbird (one of my faves!) and I am currently reading The Great Gatsby. I will read newer books too, just mix some classics in.

5. Create More Art – I am a graphic designer, so I create art for a living, but at the end of the day my creative juices are often used up. I would like to start creating more personal art. Even if it is just sketching in my sketchbook. And I think this will help increase my creativity overall. I started this already by creating the above drawing of my resolutions : )

Wishing everyone a healthy and happy 2016!

6 Comments on 2016 Resolutions

    • Jen
      1/9/16 at 7:19 am

      That is so cool our resolutions are so similar! I’m glad we are both trying to get healthier this year. I will check out your goals!

  1. Chris Raymundo
    1/11/16 at 9:24 am

    Hi Jen!

    Love this! Your resolutions are ALL things I have been trying to keep focus on recently, with little differences than you. Instead of “blog” it is more my website, http://www.bowlerstats.com, but I would like to try to write more to work on that skill. And the art I do more in Excel spreadsheets and formulas.

    You remind me of a person I have followed over the past few years, Amber Rae (heyamberrae.com). Her blog, art, and post have inspired me with many projects.

    Maybe if I stay active with your blog, it will help keep you inline with your 2016 resolutions just knowing you have a new fan to your blog.


    • Jen
      1/11/16 at 9:41 am

      Thank you Chris! I’m glad we are working on similar goals this year. Thank you for checking out the blog, I hope you do come back :)

  2. Emily
    1/16/16 at 6:59 pm

    I know I need to read more. I start many books and never finish them! Maybe that should be my resolution….

    • Jen
      1/16/16 at 7:25 pm

      It was one of the best resolutions I ever made, because it is something I actually like doing! It was more of a reminder that I really love reading and should be doing it more often :)


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