Posts Tagged ‘drink’

Iced Earl Grey Latte

BY Jen

Iced Earl Grey Latte
Guest post by Lu Ann Pannunzio of The Cup of Life

June is National Iced Tea Month which means it’s time to get creative with the leaf. Normally, I prefer to enjoy my tea hot but there are definitely days where I can use a nice refreshing glass of iced tea and I’m not talking about the sugary commercial stuff. I’m talking about iced tea using real, beautiful and flavorful tea leaves. Trust me, once you try making your own, you’ll have a difficult time ever going back to store bought iced tea.

Iced Earl Grey Latte

In this recipe, you’ll find how simple and quick it is to make your own delicious iced tea at home and we’re taking it up a notch by making it an iced latte! We’re using an earl grey tea here. Earl Grey is probably one of the more popular flavored teas out there. I used to actually think it tasted a lot like fruit loops when I was younger and made it a breakfast tea for myself since then. Traditionally, it is a black tea blended with oil of bergamot. However, you can find tea companies offering earl grey using different tea types and additional ingredients.

Iced Earl Grey Latte

The great thing about this recipe is that you can use any tea you wish really. I do recommend trying it with earl grey first though because it really is a lovely treat. But, don’t be afraid to use another tea in its place afterwards if you really have a favorite tea you’re interested in making into an iced latte.

  • 2 tablespoons Earl Grey tea (or two tea bags)
  • 1 cup water
  • 1 tablespoon sweetener of your choice (ie. honey or maple syrup)
  • 1/4 cup milk (I used almond milk, but you can use whichever you prefer)
  • ice
    1. Heat your water and pour it over your tea leaves to steep for 5 minutes.
    2. Remove your tea leaves and stir in your sweetener until well melted. If you want to make it an Iced Lavender Earl Grey Latte, I recommend sweetening it with A Sip of Bliss’ Lavender Honey.
    3. Pour your freshly steeped and now sweetened tea into a glass filled with ice and top with your milk.
    4. Sip & Enjoy!

About the Guest Writer: Lu Ann Pannunzio is a tea enthusiast and writer based in Ontario, Canada. When not drinking tea, Lu Ann finds other ways to incorporate the beverage into her life. On a mission to show the world just how versatile and inspirational the beverage of tea truly is she shares her steeps, tea infused recipes and crafts on her blog, The Cup of Life